Western Astrology
Birth Chart Interpretations
Libra Astrology offers birth chart interpretations the western tradition of Astrology.
This is the most commonly used form of astrology today.
If you want to learn more about what characteristics you have, who you are on a core level and how you can live accordingly, book a birth chart interpretation.
You will get a 6-10 pages written horoscope in your inbox which will describe your main characteristics and individual inclinations towards different parts of life.
To order your birth chart interpretation send an email to libramastro@gmail.com with your full name, birthplace (town and country), birth time (it's important that the birth time is correct).
Price: 64 Euro/750,- NOK
Payment through Paypal.
All interpretations can be done in Norwegian and English.
Clients have said:
It was much deeper than I thought it would be. It was easy to read, and in an understandable language with good explanations for a non-astrologer.
I got the interpretation in writing and that helped me understand more and more over time. I feel seen and that I have a useful tool for my own life.
Very exciting and spot on! I will take this with me going forward.