Visual Astrology
Visaul Astrology is an astrology that uses Fixed Stars.
The Fixed Stars represents different parts of your soul, according to Bernadette Brady.
In Visual Astrology the stars have their own voice and are paired with the planets through what is called Parans.
In this way we get a glimpse of some of the parts our soul holds and that can be a good thing to know when going through life.
The myths the interpretations are build on are ancient. The Sumerian, the Babylonian and the Egyptian Myths are all into play in Bradys interpretation of the stars.
I've studied with Bernadette Brady on her Star School and are working to integrate what I've learned into my interpretations.
For now, you can order a full Star Report from Bradys own program. Starlight. You will receive 10-12 pages of interpretations of your personal stars and your individual soul.
To order, send an email to and include your full name, birthplace (town and country), birth time (it's important that the birth time is correct), and I will send you paymentinstructions.
Price: 42 Euros/500,- NOK